Here is a picture of my brother Peter's license plate, in honor of that nickname that has stuck for over 30 years now:
My grandfather was also a carpenter by trade and kept quite busy after retirement, working in his workshop in the back of his garage, creating all kinds of projects for friends and family. He had a remarkable knack of looking at something and figuring out how to make it in his head -- it always amazed me how talented he was at that. One summer my grandpa, my dad, my 2 brothers, my Uncle Dave, and myself built a 2 car garage with attic and workshop in our backyard, basically from the foundation up. Grandpa and the rest of us even built the trusses for the roof -- although I'm not nearly as handy as my dad or my grandpa was, I will say that I learned a lot about blood, sweat, and tears on that summer-long project. I also remember one school project I had asked grandpa to help me on -- we had discussed it the day before, and the morning he was going to help me, I woke up and walked over to his workshop around 6:30 a.m., figuring he would be getting the wood together and waiting for me. To my surprise, he had been up early and finished the project all by himself while I was still sleeping!
He made many varieties of birdhouses, and the one that my parents mounted on their back deck was a famous haven for all of the many cats we had over the years. Here is a good example of that birdhouse in full use:

I think the hardest part of the last week has been the fact that I wasn't able to go back to Michigan to say goodbye to my Grandpa. When I got the news that he was sick and had inoperable cancer, I was just preparing for my 2 weeks of finals. By the time finals were over, he was very close to the end. I am grateful that I spent almost all of my 2 week Christmas break back home and had many great visits to him. And over the last week, I was able to talk to him on the phone and let him know how much I loved him. I'll never forget the last words he spoke to me -- he told me he was proud of what I was doing in college and wanted me to keep working hard.
There is so much more I could say and yet it's hard to find the words right now too. He was a role model for myself and my brothers and I really miss him. Somehow I think he is still watching over his family...
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and so I'll end with this video I made tonight with some of my favorite pictures of my grandpa. I want to thank all of my friends and family who called and contacted me after getting the news to offer words of comfort and support -- it really means a lot to me.
I'm really sorry, Dan. I wish you could be with your family, but I'm thinking of and praying for you.
Dear Dan,
How sweet of you for taking the time to share your memories and compiling all these pictures for us to view and reminiscence. It made me shed a few tears. Even though we know that our life on earth is only temporarily, it is still difficult to say goodbye. WE WILL MISS HIM DEARLY!
Aunt Elsa
I feel as if after watching that I somehow lived it with you. Brilliant Brother...I can't stop crying.
Love you,
Ai, so sorry to hear this, luv. This was a beautiful tribute to the wonderful man you loved so much. I didn't even know him and I'm crying. Love and prayers from Jason & I, to you all.
He Brother - I love this video. I went to go visit Grandpa's grave on Monday with Ana and I just can't believe that he is gone. I really will miss him.
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