Happy St. Patrick's Day everybody! Hopefully you are all celebrating for me tonight. I am spending the night in, studying for a few tests coming up. It is soooo tempting to just walk down to the local dive and have a green beer or two (though I would be having a Guinness with a shot of Jameson's, followed by a Black and Tan), but I find it easier to be a teetotaler when classes are in session, and saving up for the breaks to cut loose a bit. I guess I don't trust myself to have only 1 or 2 drinks -- once you're bellied up to the bar, it's too tempting to have that 3rd, and then a 4th, and so on...
Even though I just had a Van Morrison tune on my last post, I wanted to post "Bein' Green" for today and his is by far my favorite version (no offense Kermit), plus he is a Belfast boy after all, so all the more appropriate for today.
None of these folks got pinched today, like I did -- I had it coming though for not donning the emerald...

Well that felt good to bask in my sci-fi/fantasty/comic book fanboy geekdom a bit.
Not too much else new to report here -- just easing into my 4th quarter and starting to get a good feel for the new classes. This semester has some classes which only have a midterm and a final -- I'm used to all of my classes having 4 or at least 3 tests per quarter. So it looks like there will be some short bursts and flurries this quarter, followed by periods of relatively laid-back weeks. Granted, there will still be plenty to keep me busy, but it's nice to know it won't be another all-out blitzkrieg like last quarter.
Going to the state PA conference later this week, which should be interesting. I've done OT conferences in the past, but this will be the 1st big gathering of PA's I've attended. Our school is having an alumni get-together, so it will be nice to see exactly what/how past graduates are doing out in the "real world" aka the work force. I have to say that as much I gripe and moan about how rough this program is, and as eager as I am to get back into working myself, I think a part of me is going to miss living in the relatively safe & sheltered cocoon of academia.
Today's Tomfoolery: today's image is an inside joke of sorts for my brother Aaron -- I refuse to let this die just yet!
Inside joke or not, that last clip gets a full on ROFL. And, I must admit, as I scrolled down through the green folks, I was waiting and waiting to see an orc...and lo and behold! Not just any orc, but THRALL. Kudos, my friend Kudos.
I had to throw that Thrall into the mix -- even though I don't play WoW anymore, I would say I'm still well-steeped in the lore. And obviously I had a lot of face time with Thrall when I was leveling 'ol Buktoof up.
New bit of lore there for ya, luv--in the recent expansion, Thrall plays host to all the Forsaken, with a bit of a slumber party thrown into the mix, Lady Sylvannas being the primary guest. Interestingly enough, they make a fine fighting team. And Sylvannas can jump. High. Very. Very. High.
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