In school news, I pulled it together somewhat on my last Physiology exam. It was one of those "ehhh..." performances. If you don't know what I mean by that, then allow Mr. Larry David to demonstrate the proper use of this expression (here is the set-up if you've never seen this episode -- Larry, Ted Danson, and some other celebrities are opening up a restaurant. Ted wants to use his personal chef as the restaurant's head chef, so he brings over Larry and Jeff to sample one of his meals. This was Larry's reaction after the meal -- when later pressed for more details, he responds very matter-of-factly with "a little too saucy", nearly reducing the chef to tears. You have to love the absolute lack of tact that is LD):
And just for completion's sake, here is Larry explaining very casually to the chef why he didn't like the meal:
So, in one respect it was still satisfactory, as I have been struggling recently, but only slightly so, as obviously everyone likes to do their best. Who knows, maybe that was/is my best. Or maybe I have my sights set too high and should lower my bar a little. One more representation -- the half-hearted Al Bundy thumbs up:
I guess it's like the old saying "Nothing worthwhile comes easy." If that's the case, than PA school must be really, really, really worthwhile. And on that note, I need to get back to the books.
The piano has been necktie is asleep...
The combo went back to New York ... the jukebox has to take a leak ...
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