Monday, October 13, 2008

I'm on a roll here ...

Had a shorter day than usual at school -- in Neuro, we reviewed upper and lower motor lesions involving the vestibulospinal, reticulospinal, rubrospinal, corticospinal, and corticonuclear systems as well as discussed what is going on neurologically in decorticate and decerebrate postures that you might see in comatose patients. In Women's Health, we started the Obstetrics 1/2 of the class. Our teacher for this section is actually a OB-GYN D.O. who graduated from our school in 2004. I've found that quite a few of the PA faculty are past graduates. I think someday I would enjoy teaching a class here or there. Though first, I need to *pass* and complete the program. Then, get some years of experience under my belt (and hopefully pay off my sizable college loans in a decade's time.) Then, and only then, I will hopefully try my hands on the other side of academia.

In other news -- it's FINALLY cooling off here -- 72 tonight and the 1st night I've had the windows open at night. I shouldn't complain as I do like the heat for the most part and seeing the sun every day -- although I love a nice cool night with the breeze blowing in through the window screen.

I'm getting a rare break this week and going to see Bob Schneider play on Thursday night. Normally, I wouldn't even consider taking a night off (sounds absurd but sadly it's true), however I will have a brief reprieve following a big test on Wednesday and I'm seizing the opportunity as I may not have another opportunity until the semester ends. And when Bob comes to town, I help out by playing roadie or selling merch and so the show is free. Free is good when you have no real income.

I have a few quotes from Mark Twain for today:

Action speaks louder than words but not nearly as often.

Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.

When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.


Anonymous said...

Did you send your Arizona weather our way? It's been 80-83 degrees for the last two days. And I've already wrapped the windows for winter so I can't open them!
Good for you for taking a night off. It's good to have a break now and then to keep yourself happy.

Daniel said...

Well, although I did get a break from my afternoon classes, I didn't take the night off either -- I was up until 2 studying for my upcoming Women's Health exam early Wednesday morning.

Here is something unique about how we take tests -- normally, classes will have their tests during normal class hours. For example, if a class runs from, say, 10am-12pm, on test day, the test will run from 10-11 and then you have the last hour for lecture, or sometimes there is no class that day -- just the test. Not so in our program -- our tests are all early in the morning, before normal classes begin, so that we don't cut out any lecture material. Last semester, the anatomy exams were 2.5 hours long, so that meant they started at 6:30am. As you can imagine, I am barely shaking the cobwebs off at 6:30 in the morning.