Well, my Peds rotation continues to go smoothly, and I've now passed the halfway mark. Equally amazing, I've yet to get sick or pick up any nasty bugs or infections, despite treating more than 100 cases of sinusitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, otitis, conjunctivitis, and every other -itis that kids are getting these days. My doctor has let me do quite a bit, right from the start, and so I continue to do all kinds of fun stuff like deliver immunizations and inject rumps with Rocephin and Decadron. Yes, I've caused quite a few tears in my short stint there, but many more smiles. I have found Pediactrics to be quite enjoyable actually, despite not having any kids of my own.
It is a little weird to not be sitting in a lecture hall right now. Strange how you almost miss that routine. I guess if you do anything for a year, it will seem odd when your start a totally new schedule. One thing that remains consistent is the late-night studying though. That won't be changing anytime soon.
(the Medical Term of the Day will be returning shortly, but I thought I'd share some of the clinical pearls I've picked up and so I present a new feature...)
Baby Instructions
(click on the picture to enlarge so you can read them)

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