So, I'm sure everyone at some point in their life has been compared to, or felt like, a cartoon character. For me, that character happens to be Eeyore. Personally, I find Eeyore to be a bit chipper and upbeat for my tastes, but I've been given the comparison by friends and family too many times to refute it at this point. And so, as Eeyore would say, "Thaaaanks for noticin' me."

Some Eeyore fast facts: Eeyore's Birthday is celebrated every year in Austin, Texas.
Here is the official site and the Wiki entry

After all, what are birthdays? Here today and gone tomorrow -- Eeyore
Before I sign off, I should probably answer the burning questions going through your skulls right now:
- Yes, that post DID just happen
- Yes, the above post was made by a fully grown man
- Yes, I am crazy. Like a fox.
- No, I don't think I need to up my Prozac dose.
That's why your friends call you whiskers...
Aaron -- somehow I knew you'd understand. Though most people think my friends call me whiskers because I'm curious as a cat it's actually because I'm just a worrier!
Let me just say, you can squat on a pit bull, but that don't get you rhubarb pie.
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