Had quite an interesting experience on Monday -- had to perform a Well Woman exam on a standardized patient. This included a breast exam as well as a full pelvic exam, including using a speculum to visualize the cervix (I did not actually take a pap smear, though it would have been a simple thing at that point) and a bimanual exam to feel the uterus and ovaries. As you can imagine, this was a fairly nerve-wracking experience, especially for the guys in the class. Thankfully, the patient was very relaxed and helpful and they made the whole experience as non-threatening as possible. It ended up being a lot less stressful than I had anticipated, and hopefully I'll be more prepared now when my Women's Health rotation comes around next year. I won't go into any more detail about the experience (for all of your sakes) but it was probably the most invasive thing I'll have to do until my clinical year, and I'm glad they included it in the curriculum -- it's one of things you can't just read about but have to actually do to appreciate.
I'm keeping this one short as I have a big Neuro exam to study for.
In closing, let me present you with proof positive on something I have long suspected: Tom Cruise is indeed a Sith Lord:
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