Hope everyone had a great Holiday season -- thanks to everyone who sent me birthday wishes on my Facebook page in late Nov!
So rather than ramble on endlessly trying to fill in the blanks since my last post, I'll instead just fill you all in on something rather specific. As a lot of you know, my roommate has a deaf pitbull named Jack, who is quite the character. We have been thinking about getting another dog so Jack has someone to burn energy with and just hang around when we're not home, and my roommate finally pulled the trigger. We tried a cat first, although that didn't work out too well, so we had to give the cat away:

But when I came back from my Christmas trip, there was a new dog who greeted me along with Jack at the door. We have tentatively named her "Reagan" until we can figure out something better. We had Jack for about a week before his name surfaced -- sometimes you have to just see how they act and an appropriate name pops up (can you imagine if humans did that though? I wonder if I acted like a "Daniel" when I was a kid). She was another rescue dog -- someone found her lost and trembling on the freeway. We figure she is maybe a year old. She's pretty emaciated right now, but we'll put some meat on her bones and get her in fighting shape.
The amazing thing is how quickly she settled in and how she bonded with Jack right off the bat. Jack is one of those dogs who just loves to play, almost to the point of being obnoxious, and so I think he was just happy to have another dog to run around with. He never really got too jealous or territorial -- there was just the tiniest bit of sorting out the pecking order. Jack of course retained his dominance, but she is not afraid of him at all like other dogs have been, and even in her malnourished state, she can give almost as good as she gets. So without further ado, I present you with a video showing the 2 of them clowning around the house and becoming fast friends. All of this footage was gathered in the 1st week of her being here:
This will be our new sign on the gate for would-be thieves (let's hope they are literate criminals):

Happy New Year everybody