Some more funky Van Morrison as the tune today -- one of my faves of his -- the groove is unstoppable. I think that's one of the things that sets him apart from some of his peers in the "legendary singer-songwriting" category like Dylan or Neil Young: Van's band > their bands. Not even the E-street band can compare. Early-era Van always lifts my spirits...
Well, I continue to plug along in my final didactic quarter. I would say the classes/tests this quarter are not as intense and unrelenting like last quarter, but I find myself being just as busy as there are a lot of miscellaneous things to get done before clinicals start -- immunizations, financial aid, etc. I also need to get some dress clothes and find a new apartment as well.
In case any of you were wondering -- I aced my 1st Pharm test! That was such a great feeling to get an A in the bag -- there are only 3 tests in that course, so you don't get many chances to prove yourself. I like to do well on the 1st test in any course as that give me a psychological buffer and makes things less dicey come final time when the tests are one after the other and you never feel like you can really get prepared.
Hmm, when I started this post, I thought I had a bunch of things to say. Now I'm running out of words. I suppose I am preoccupied by the 2 tests later this week, and I should probably get back to studying. But not without your droll daily -- they sure don't make action movies like they used to: