My intention was to have this blog started *before* school started, though predicatably I'm already a quarter behind, having just recently completed my 1st quarter, and am set to go back to the grind for the 2nd quarter on Tuesday, Sept. 2nd, 2008. Of course, most of you who know my penchant for procrastination are probably chuckling and nodding to yourselves that it is only right and proper for me to begin this little project already playing catch-up. The 1st quarter was a real eye-opener and quite an adjustment, and I plan to do a whirlwind summary of it later this week. However, I needed to get this blog started or it would likely have remained somewhere on my to-do list, never to see the light of day.
Which brings me to the title ... Yes, I realize it's more than a little corny, but I was pressed for time, and as I was brainstorming possible titles, this one popped in my head for some reason and at the time inexplicably seemed snazzy, so you know what? I'm going with it. The first person who saw it immediately erupted into a fit of laughter, as I'm sure some if not most of you did as well, but I've always said I don't mind being the butt of ridicule, so laugh it up jokers! Okay, I am starting to ramble so I think I'll sign off for now, but before I sign off for now, I'll leave you with a quote, and I welcome all comments, requests, and/or suggestions for future entries. Feel free to leave some feedback, whether it's your interpretation of the daily quote, random thoughts, or even just a quick jab at my hackneyed blog title!
Today's quote comes from Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw: